1 Your Royal Highness
Возвышенное выражение: Ваше Королевское Высочество (обращение к принцу-консорту (супругу английской королевы), ср. Your Majesty) -
2 Royal Highness
Alteza RealHer/Your Royal Highness — Su/Vuestra Alteza Real
* * *Her/Your Royal Highness — Su/Vuestra Alteza Real
3 Royal Highness
Royal Highness ⇒ Forms of address n His/Her Royal Highness Son Altesse f royale ; Their Royal Highnesses Leurs Altesses fpl royales ; Your Royal Highness Votre Altesse f. -
4 Royal Highness
His o Her Royal Highness Sua Altezza Reale; Your Royal Highness — Vostra Altezza Reale
* * *His o Her Royal Highness Sua Altezza Reale; Your Royal Highness — Vostra Altezza Reale
5 Royal Highness
6 Royal Highness
Roy·al ˈHigh·nessnYour/His/Her \Royal Highness Eure/Seine/Ihre Königliche Hoheit* * *RH abk1. right hand -
7 Royal Highness
n. Your/His Royal Highness ВашетоЛ1еговото Кралско височество (особено при обраќање кон принц/принцеза) -
8 Royal Highness
9 royal
royal ['rɔɪəl]∎ by royal charter par acte du souverain;∎ the royal "we" le "nous" de majesté∎ they gave us a (right) royal welcome ils nous ont accueillis comme des rois;∎ to be in royal spirits être d'excellente humeur∎ that guy is a right royal pain in the neck ce type est un véritable emmerdeur;∎ her whining gives me a royal pain elle me fait vraiment chier avec ses jérémiades;∎ he's a royal idiot c'est un sombre crétin ou un crétin de première∎ royal octavo/quarto in-huit m/in-quarto m raisin2 nounfamiliar = membre de la famille royale;∎ the Royals la famille royale□►► the Royal Academy (of Arts) Académie f royale britannique des beaux-arts;the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art = Conservatoire national d'art dramatique, à Londres;the Royal Academy of Music = conservatoire national de musique, à Londres;the Royal Air Force armée f de l'air britannique;Royal Ascot = événement hippique annuel, étalé sur plusieurs jours, qui entre dans le calendrier mondain de la haute société anglaise;royal assent = signature royale qui officialise une loi;the Royal Ballet = compagnie nationale de ballet qui a son siège à Covent Garden à Londres;royal blue bleu m roi;the Royal British Legion = association britannique d'anciens militaires;royal burgh ville f établie par charte royale;the Royal Canadian Mounted Police la Gendarmerie royale du Canada;the Royal College of Music Collège m royal de musique (école de musique située à Londres);the Royal College of Physicans Collège m royal de médecine (organisation de médecins);the Royal College of Surgeons Collège m royal de chirurgie (organisation de chirurgiens);the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Collège m royal de médecine vétérinaire (organisation de vétérinaires);the Royal Commission = commission nommée par le monarque sur recommandation du premier ministre;the Royal Court = théâtre à Londres;Royal Doulton = porcelaine fine anglaise;the Royal Enclosure = tribune de la famille royale à Royal Ascot;the Royal Engineers le génie militaire britannique;the Royal Family la famille royale;Botany royal fern osmonde f royale;Cards royal flush quinte f royale; (in poker) flush m royal;Royal Highland Show = grande foire agricole annuelle qui a lieu à Ingleston, près d'Édimbourg;Your Royal Highness Votre Altesse Royale;∎ His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales Son Altesse Royale, le prince de Galles;Their Royal Highnesses Leurs Altesses Royales;the Royal Horse Guards = la garde à cheval qui assure la garde du palais et du souverain;British Cookery royal icing = glaçage à base de sucre glace et de blancs d'œufs (utilisé pour les cakes);the Royal Institute of British Architects = institut d'architectes, à Londres;the Royal Institution l'Académie f des sciences britannique;royal jelly gelée f royale;the Royal Mail = la Poste britannique;the Royal Marines les Marines mpl (britanniques);Nautical royal mast mât m de cacatois;the Royal Mile = rue d'Édimbourg qui relie le château au palais de Holyrood;the Royal Mint = la Monnaie britannique, ≃ (l'hôtel m de) la Monnaie;the Royal Navy la marine f nationale britannique;the Royal Opera House l'opéra m de Covent Garden;Botany royal palm palmier m royal;royal prerogative prérogative f du souverain;∎ to exercise the royal prerogative faire acte de souverain;the Royal School of Music École f royale de musique;Royal Scottish Academy Académie f royale écossaise des beaux-arts;the Royal Shakespeare Company = célèbre troupe de théâtre basée à Stratford-on-Avon et à Londres;the Royal Show = le salon annuel de l'agriculture en Grande-Bretagne;the Royal Society l'Académie f des sciences britannique;Royal Society of Medicine Fondation f britannique de médecine;the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals = société britannique protectrice des animaux, ≃ SPA f;British the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ≃ Fondation f pour l'enfance;the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds = ligue britannique pour la protection des oiseaux;royal standard = drapeau représentant les armoiries de la couronne britannique, hissé lorsque le monarque est au château;the Royal Tournament = meeting annuel destiné au public organisé par les forces armées, avec entre autres choses des démonstrations de gymnastique;the Royal Ulster Constabulary = corps de police d'Irlande du Nord;the Royal Variety Show = spectacle de variétés organisé à Londres en faveur de la Fédération des artistes de variétés;royal warrant brevet m de fournisseur du souverain;Royal Worcester = porcelaine fine anglaiseⓘ THE ROYAL SOCIETY Cette société à vocation scientifique, fondée par Charles II en 1660, contribua à renforcer la crédibilité des hommes de science, qui jouirent également d'une plus grande liberté. En firent notamment partie Isaac Newton et Robert Boyle. -
10 highness
1) (the state or quality of being high.) altura2) (a title of a prince, princess etc: Your Highness; Her Highness.) altezaHighness n altezatr['haɪnəs]1 Alteza nombre masulino o femenino\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLYour Highness Su Alteza nombre masulino o femeninohighness ['haɪnəs] n1) height: altura f2)Highness : Alteza fYour Royal Highness: Su Alteza Realn.• alteza s.f.• altura s.f.'haɪnəs, 'haɪnɪsHer/His/Your (Royal) Highness — Su Alteza (Real)
['haɪnɪs]N altura fHighness — (as title) Alteza f
His/Her/Your Royal Highness — Su Alteza Real
* * *['haɪnəs, 'haɪnɪs]Her/His/Your (Royal) Highness — Su Alteza (Real)
11 highness
nounHoheit, dieHis/Her/Your [Royal] Highness — Seine/Ihre/Eure [Königliche] Hoheit
* * *1) (the state or quality of being high.) die Höhe2) (a title of a prince, princess etc: Your Highness; Her Highness.) die Hoheit* * *High·ness[ˈhaɪnəs]Royal \Highness Königliche HoheitYour/Her/His \Highness Eure/Ihre/Seine Hoheit* * *['haInɪs]n1) Höhe f2)Her/Your Highness — Ihre/Eure Hoheit
yes, Your Highness — ja, Hoheit
* * *highness s1. meist fig Höhe f2. Erhabenheit f3. GASTR Hautgout m (vom Wild)* * *nounHoheit, dieHis/Her/Your [Royal] Highness — Seine/Ihre/Eure [Königliche] Hoheit
* * *n.Hoheit -en f.Höhe -n f. -
12 highness
1) (the state or quality of being high.) altura2) (a title of a prince, princess etc: Your Highness; Her Highness.) alteza* * *high.ness[h'ainis] n 1 altura, elevação, alto. 2 alteza. His (Her) Highness Sua Majestade. His (Her) Imperial Highness Sua Alteza Imperial. His (Her, Your) Royal Highness Sua Alteza Real. -
13 highness
['haɪnəs]сущ.1) уст. высота, вышинаSyn:Syn:3)а) знатность, титул, сан; величественностьSyn:Her (His, Your) Royal highness — Её (Его, Ваше) Королевское Высочество
4) высокая степень (чего-л.) -
14 royal
royal [ˈrɔɪəl]1. adjective2. noun3. compounds• a Royal Marine un soldat de l'infanterie de marine ► the Royal Navy noun (British) la marine nationale► the Royal Shakespeare Company noun (British) troupe de théâtre spécialisée dans le répertoire shakespearien━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━La Royal Academy ou Royal Academy of Arts, fondée en 1768 par George III pour encourager la peinture, la sculpture et l'architecture, est située à Burlington House, sur Piccadilly. Une exposition-vente d'œuvres d'artistes contemporains a lieu tous les étés. L'Académie dispense également des cours en peinture, sculpture et architecture.* * *['rɔɪəl] 1.(colloq) noun ( person) membre m de la famille royale2.adjective royalthe royal ‘we’ — le pluriel de majesté
15 Highness
16 highness
['haɪnɪs]* * *1) (the state or quality of being high.) altezza2) (a title of a prince, princess etc: Your Highness; Her Highness.) Altezza* * *highness /ˈhaɪnəs/n.altezza (fig.); elevatezza; nobiltà: His Royal Highness, Sua Altezza Reale; ( a un principe, ecc.) Your Highness, Altezza!* * *['haɪnɪs] -
17 highness
1. n высота, вышина2. n благородство, возвышенность3. n высокая степень4. n высочествоСинонимический ряд:1. addressing royalty (noun) addressing royalty; excellency; grace; her ladyship; his lordship; your highness; your honor; your majesty2. title (noun) eminence; emperor; king; lord; majesty; queen; sire; title -
18 Highness
high·ness1. high·ness [ʼhaɪnəs] nHöhe f2. High·ness [ʼhaɪnəs] n( form) Hoheit f;Royal H\Highness Königliche Hoheit; -
19 highness
high·ness1. high·ness [ʼhaɪnəs] nHöhe f2. High·ness [ʼhaɪnəs] n( form) Hoheit f;Royal H\highness Königliche Hoheit; -
20 His (Her) Imperial Highness
His (Her) Imperial HighnessSua Alteza Imperial. His (Her, Your) Royal Highness Sua Alteza Real.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Your Royal Highness — Your/His/Her Royal Highness phrase used for addressing or referring to a member of a royal family, especially a prince or princess His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Thesaurus: royal titleshyponym Main entry: Royal Highness … Useful english dictionary
Royal Highness — Royal Highnesses N VOC: poss N; PRON: poss PRON (politeness) Expressions such as Your Royal Highness and Their Royal Highnesses are used to address or refer to members of royal families who are not kings or queens … English dictionary
royal highness — noun 1. a. : a child, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, or grandchild in the male line of the British sovereign used as a title before 1917 b. : a child or grandchild of the British sovereign used as a title since 1917 c … Useful english dictionary
Highness, your royal — The formal mode of address used to royal princes and princesses in Britain. Sarcastic use of this title to someone who is acting like a royal personage, or acting as if they are far more important than they are, at least, is fairly common. ‘We … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Royal Highness — noun Your/His/Her Royal Highness used for addressing or referring to a member of a royal family, especially a prince or princess: His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Royal Highness — n your/his/her Royal Highness used when speaking about or to a royal person, especially a prince or princess … Dictionary of contemporary English
Royal Highness — UK / US noun Your/His/Her Royal Highness used for addressing or referring to a member of a royal family, especially a prince or princess His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales … English dictionary
Royal Highness — noun (C) your /his/her Royal Highness used when speaking about or to a royal person, especially a prince or princess … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ˌRoyal ˈHighness — noun Your/His/Her Royal Highness used for speaking to or about a prince or princess[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Her Royal Highness — Your/His/Her Royal Highness phrase used for addressing or referring to a member of a royal family, especially a prince or princess His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Thesaurus: royal titleshyponym Main entry: Royal Highness … Useful english dictionary
His Royal Highness — Your/His/Her Royal Highness phrase used for addressing or referring to a member of a royal family, especially a prince or princess His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Thesaurus: royal titleshyponym Main entry: Royal Highness … Useful english dictionary